Any Junior or Senior taking MS 112/PreCalculus and MS 113/Trigonometry whether you are taking these classes for dual enrollment or not, you must purchase the new book. The ISBNs are listed below and I suggest you get these books as soon as possible so you will not be behind when school starts.
MS 112 ISBN 9781111622633
This is a loose leaf book. Here is the list of the book from JSU. This tells the ISBN, author, and edition. You can buy this on campus at JSU.§ionId=46066762&partNumber=278_844001326&item=Y&displayStoreId=31060
MS 113 ISBN 9780470280768§ionId=46066775&partNumber=MBS_879050&item=Y&displayStoreId=31060
This site for the Trigonometry textbook.
If you have any questions please email me