Thursday, December 9, 2010

Merry Christmas

Here are some pictures of the 9th grade working on their gingerbread houses that Mrs. Golhke was sweet enough to make for us.  Everyone had a great time.  Thanks Maddy and Mrs. Golhke!!

This is our "Math" Christmas tree that my Algebra I class decorated!

Homecoming 2010

Homecoming week was filled with many different activities including dress up days, door decoration (Ms. Cotney's 9th grade homeroom won!!), a pep rally, dance, and more much.  Here a few pictures from the week.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Semester Exam Review

Geometry-Chapters 1-4 are already posted, you might have to go to older posts at the bottom of the page to find them.  
Chapter 5 Section Quizzes
Chapter 5 Practice Test

Algebra II- Here are a couple of sites where you can work practice problems.  You will have to 
search for the type of problem you are looking for but these will be a good review.

Algebra I-Here are a couple of sites where you can work practice problems. You will have to search for the type of problems you are looking but these will be good review problems. 
*On this site, you should look at Chapters 1-5
*On this site, you should look at Chapters 1-5

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Geometry Projects

Geometry students were given two project ideas that they were to choose from.  They could do a Geometry Map Project or a Logo Project.  These projects had specific instructions that correlates with the material we are studying in class.  Students had the option to work with a partner or work alone and they presented their projects in the front of the class.  Here are pictures of some the students and their projects. 

Monday, November 22, 2010


Murder on the Set

You guys did a FANTASTIC job on the play!  Here's a couple of pictures of the cast and author Mike Stedham after Murder on the Set!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

112 Extra Help Chapter 9

College Math students, this is a site that covers the Rational Root Theorem, Factor Theorem, and Remainder Theorem and has some practice problems of each.  This material will definitely be on the test.  The second link is a pencast of a friend of mine that teaches this class at JSU.  He made this pencast for his students to help them on the material in this chapter.

Calculus Extra Help

Calculus students, this is a site that has practice problems and tutorials on every section in our book. I have not looked through every problem to see the correlation between their problems and our problems but this practice will only benefit you!!

Algebra II Extra Help

Algebra II students,  the link below goes to two Algebra II textbooks that has extra examples, quizzes, practice tests, and other resources that you might find helpful.  These books do not correlate exactly with the sections in our book but if you look at the names of the sections in our book and then find the section with the same name or similar name on these sites then it will be exactly what we have covered in class.  I hope this helps!  MAKE SURE YOU LOOK FOR THE CHAPTERS THAT DEAL WITH MATRICES!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sacred Heart 2010 Halloween

Follow the link to watch a slideshow of the Sacred Heart students' Halloween costumes.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010


*Camp Sunday, October 24 1-5pm
*$40 due by October 20 for Camp 
*If you need to know your balance on your bill let me know. 
*You will be receiving a basketball schedule soon, we will be cheering for Varsity games. 
*All girls need a white and maroon ribbon (white for maroon uniform and maroon for white uniform)
*I have talked with our Varsity rep. and she assures me that all uniform sizes are correct.  She says that we can send them back and let her compare them to the ones you tried on but she assures me they are correct.  She says that you are more than welcome to get your uniforms altered to your liking as long as you stay within the length required by the school.  

Friday, October 8, 2010


The Children's Book was due Friday, October 8,2010 by the end of the school day.  We cannot wait until Monday or they will not be on your report cards.  My grades have to be in by then.  If your book is not in my room for me to grade when I get them then you will not get a grade.  Everyone else finished theirs on time and Calculus students had one extra day than the other students.  You had everyday in my class to work on this and a week to work on it at home also.  I did this for your benefit because most of you need this grade to help your grade.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Algebra I 3.2 Extra Practice

Algebra I Students:  Here are four examples of some  problems like your homework problems.  Let me know if you need help on anything.  We will go over your homework tomorrow in class.  

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Geometry Proofs

Geometry Students:  Here are two examples of me working out proofs.  These are on page 113, #37 and #39.  Remember there are lesson quizzes and a practice test a couple of posts down.  Let me know if you need anything else!


Monday, September 20, 2010

Calculus Homework (Exponential Problems)

Calculus students:  Here are seven problems that you should have completed by tomorrow.  Exponents are difficult to type so in case you get confused the expression or number after the ^ sign is the exponent.  Let me know if you have any trouble.  

1. (1/2)^x = 1/128

2. (3/4)^n = 64/27

3. 27^4x = 9^x+1

4. 9^4x+2 = 1/81

5. (2^x+1)(2^x) = 64

6. (27)(3^x) = 9^x

7. (4^x)(16^3x-1) = 8

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Algebra II students,  the link below goes to two Algebra II textbooks that has extra examples, quizzes, practice tests, and other resources that you might find helpful.  These books do not correlate exactly with the sections in our book but if you look at the names of the sections in our book and then find the section with the same name or similar name on these sites then it will be exactly what we have covered in class.  I hope this helps!

ALGEBRA 2 - Direct Variation Problem

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Geometry 9/1/10 1.7

Page 59 #30, 32  
Let me know if you need anything else!

Geometry 1.7
brought to you by Livescribe

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I will post practice times and anything else I need you to know here. 
(If you have any questions about anything feel free to ask here)


PRACTICE- Sundays 2:00-4:00

For the fill in uniform the skirt is $56.95 and the top is $90.95.

Below I have attached the cost for one girl for the new uniform, briefs, bag, shoes, and midriff.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Algebra II- 2.3 Graphing using Slope-Intercept Form

Click on the page below to see and hear me work out two examples like the ones we worked in class today.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Algebra II- Solving Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities

Algebra II:  According to our test grades, some of us might need some extra help and practice with absolute value equations and inequalities.  I have attached some links to this post that gives some explanations and practice problems.  Remember that this material will be on the final exam so we need to understand it clearly.  Hope it helps!

Practice Problems

Video- Teacher Tube

Friday, August 20, 2010

Special Segments in Triangles

Geometry Students:  This is a graphic organizer that we will be using to help us once we get to Chapter 5.  I am currently using it for a workshop.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Geometry Thursday 8/19/10 Example from Classwork

Geometry students, this is an example like the one we worked in class today.  In this example you are given the midpoint and the coordinates of one endpoint of a line segment.  You are asked to find the other endpoint of the line segment.  Let me know if you have any problems.
Click below to see and hear me work out another example.

Monday, August 9, 2010


Ok Guys, If you have any problems with any of the homework respond here and be sure to tell me the problem and the issue you are having with the problem.  Don't give up on me, I'll get to it as soon as possible!  

Ms. Cotney

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Alabama Course of Study

These are the mathematical concepts that we will be covering this year.

9th Grade- Algebra I Course of Study

10th Grade- Geometry Course of Study

11th Grade- Algebra II Course of Study

MS 112/MS 113 and Calculus classes do not have a set course of study, however you will receive a syllabus with all of the objectives we will cover for the year.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Welcome to my blog!  I am very excited to start a new school year!  I hope that this year is not only filled with learning mathematics but learning the importance of mathematics.  I have an exciting year planned and I hope we can all work together to make that happen.  If you need to contact me please feel free to comment on this blog or email me at  Get excited because we are going to have a great year!