Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sacred Heart 2010 Halloween

Follow the link to watch a slideshow of the Sacred Heart students' Halloween costumes.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010


*Camp Sunday, October 24 1-5pm
*$40 due by October 20 for Camp 
*If you need to know your balance on your bill let me know. 
*You will be receiving a basketball schedule soon, we will be cheering for Varsity games. 
*All girls need a white and maroon ribbon (white for maroon uniform and maroon for white uniform)
*I have talked with our Varsity rep. and she assures me that all uniform sizes are correct.  She says that we can send them back and let her compare them to the ones you tried on but she assures me they are correct.  She says that you are more than welcome to get your uniforms altered to your liking as long as you stay within the length required by the school.  

Friday, October 8, 2010


The Children's Book was due Friday, October 8,2010 by the end of the school day.  We cannot wait until Monday or they will not be on your report cards.  My grades have to be in by then.  If your book is not in my room for me to grade when I get them then you will not get a grade.  Everyone else finished theirs on time and Calculus students had one extra day than the other students.  You had everyday in my class to work on this and a week to work on it at home also.  I did this for your benefit because most of you need this grade to help your grade.